MAX GROWTH soluble range includes 100% water soluble fertilizers enriched with trace elements in EDTA form. Water-soluble fertilizer are manufactured with the highest quality and pure source of raw materials They are used to solve nutritional problems of soil irrigation and satisfy the demand of nutrients for all plant. The range is capable to cover the plant nutrients for all plant. The range is capable to cover the plant nutrition needs from beginning until harvest and compltion of the annual biological cycle.


Properties and characteristics:

Suitable for all soil irrigation techniques
Lowers the pH of solutions to acid values
Free of impurities, chlorine, sodium and heavy metals
Low salinity
Micro-nutrients in the fully chelated from EDTA
100% soluble in water

We can offer almost any ratio according to customer’s requirements.

Fertilizers that contain the three main macro-nutrients (NPK) in equal or convergent ratio, making them suitable during most of the different stages of plant growth to strengthen and activate the plant or preserve crops and plants in excellent condition. This balanced fertilizers is used for all types of plants and crops in cases where we do not know the soil content of nutrients, As well as monitoring crops and plants to determine their needs from other elements.


Nitrogen fertilizers are used for all types of crops and plants to increase vegetative growth and maintain healthy leaves of crops and plants. It is recommended use nitrogen fertilizers in the early stages of plant life as well as uses them to maintain vegetative growth during the season.

Benefits and Importance the Nitrogen element for plants:

An essential element in the composition of chlorophyll responsible for photosynthesis in plants.
Part of the living cells in the plant.
A necessary part in proteins and enzymes.
A necessary part in the construction and production of energy in the plant.
Improve the quality of leafy vegetables and feed crops and increase protein content in cereal crops.

Symptoms of plant nitrogen deficiency:

Impedes the plant growth, meaning the plant is short – the stems are thin – the leaves are small.
The appearance of leaves is yellow or very light green especially the older leaves.
The plants mature quickly, which negatively affects the flowering process, and thus the yield decreases.

Symptoms of nitrogen element increase in plant:

The appearance of leaves in a very dark green color tends to black, therefore the plant exposed to the following:
Entering into Dormancy.
Symptoms of disability and mildew.
Diseases and insect injuries.
The yields of fruits decreased significantly with the increase in the size of the leaves or increase the degree of dark green color.



The phosphorus element is one of the most important elements that transport energy within the plant, and it is necessary at different rates in different stages of growth until the end of the harvesting period and reaping the fruits.

Benefits and Importance the phosphorus element for plants:

Increase root development in the early stages of the life plants and crops.
Activation of the flowering process before the beginning of flowering stage until to be fruits.
Helps to resist stress
Speed up fruit ripening.
Enter into the composition of some oils, sugars, and starch in the plant.

Symptoms of plant phosphorus deficiency:

Decline and lack of growth.
The color of the leaves becomes greener than the natural color.
The leaves are small and show the recent growth in purple or red due to accumulation of anthocyanin.
The veins of the leaves appear in purple color.
In severe cases, the leaves are tinged with light yellow and dark green, and these leaves fall quickly.

Symptoms of phosphorus element increase in plant:

Increased phosphorus element leads to symptoms of deficiency of micro-elements especially the emergence of iron and zinc deficiency symptoms.


Potassium is one of the most important elements that a plant needs from the beginning of the setting period to the end of the production period.

Benefits and Importance the Potassium element for plants:

Increase the fruits size and quantity of production.
Increase the hardness of fruits
Improve the taste of fruits.
Give the fruits the correct color and attractive appearance.
Speed up the maturity.
Increases the plant’s ability to diseases resistance and injuries mitigation.

Symptoms of potassium element increase in plant:

The yellow color appears around the edges of the older leaves and the yellow color increasing on leaves
Irregular evolution in the size and shape of fruits.
Notice the weakness of the fruit buds.

Symptoms of plant Potassium deficiency:

The increase in the potassium element leads to appear the symptoms of magnesium deficiency and calcium.

